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[Video] Zeitgeist, Addendum

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  • [Video] Zeitgeist, Addendum

    Zeitgeist - The Movie

    VER VIDEO EM PT-BR :: Zeitgeist - The Movie

    Who is Peter Joseph and how did Zeitgeist come to be?
    Peter was born in North Carolina to a middle class family.
    He later moved to New York initially to attend art school. Currently he lives and works in New York City as a freelance film editor/composer/producer for various industries.

    Zeitgeist came into existence as a personal project which was shown in New York as a free public awareness expression. After the event was over, "The Movie" was tossed online with little thought given to a public response. Within a month, the film was getting record views. Months later, the "Final Edition" was completed. In total, the views for "Zeitgeist, The Movie" have exceeded 50,000,000 on Google video alone. Considering the other posts in different formats, along with public screenings, it is estimated that the total world views are well over 100 Million.

    In Oct. 2008, "Zeitgeist Addendum" was released as a continuation of the first film, focusing on the core issues relevant to the subject of human corruption, while in turn offering a solution. As of two months after its release online, the average daily views have been 50,000, making a total of 3,000,000 views total thus far.

    There are people online who say Peter Joseph is a fake name. Is this true?
    No, this is not true. There has been a propaganda campaign against the project from various sources, one of which took the name GMP LCC and blindly punched it into a business database in NY and came up with the name "James Coyman" from upstate NY. What they didn't realize is that G.M.P. LLC is a reference entity from our registrar and is not the GMP LLC of James Coyman. We apologize to James Coyman if he has been bothered. However, Peter Joseph is Peter's first and middle name. He has chosen to keep his family name unpublicized due to his on going freelance work which he uses to fund The Movement, while also in the gesture of protecting his family from the many threats he has received since the first film came out.

    What is the Zeitgeist Movement?
    The Zeitgeist Movement is a grass roots campaign to unify the world through a common ideology based on the fundamentals of life and nature. This movement ignores politics, religion and the like, and instead attempts to communicate how all humans are the same at the fundamental level and how it is time we start to work together on a global scale to end the seemingly perpetual conflict and suffering in our current world society.

    Who funded / created the films exactly?
    Peter funded the films with personal funds generated from his commercial work.

    Some say the film attacks Christians. What is your response to this?
    The idea that the film is against any group is a fallacy. The only thing the film addresses is ideology and beliefs. Sadly, many don't realize that one's ideology is not them. We are emergent beings and everything we believe is taught to us one way or another. Therefore to say the film is attacking "Christians" is about as absurd as saying the film attacks people with baseball caps. This is a serious problem in our society, for identity is erroneously associated with belief. Once again, propagandists against the project use this idea that the film "attacks" a group in order to try and manipulate their surroundings into not thinking critically about the information. The same kind of propaganda has materialized where the project has been called "new world order", "satanic" "marxist" and other irrational, thoughtless distinctions not worth bringing up.

  • #2
    Humm, não sabia que já existia outro filme. Boa, assim que tiver tempo vou ver, pois o primeiro filme fez-me pensar e bastante... Principalmente a parte do 11 de Setembro!


    • #3
      Este está qualquer coisa, ainda não o vi todo porque não tive tempo mas hoje acabo. Até agora estou a adorar...


      • #4
        Zeitgeist: The Movie

        Documentário que questiona os grandes mitos/realidades da humanidade: a religião sendo realmente o ópio do povo, o 11 de Setembro sendo provocado pelo próprio governo americano para criar o medo e tirar liberdades do seu povo e o sistema monetário, provocador de guerras e com o intuito de criar, no futuro, um governo global, implantando chips em todos os cidadãos do mundo.

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        Zeitgeist: Addendum

        Zeitgeist: Addendum é a continuação de "Zeitgeist: The Movie", onde se trata da globalização, manipulação do homem pelas grandes corporações e instituições financeiras e que apresenta a sua visão da solução para o problema.

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        Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

        Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, do director Peter Joseph, dá continuidade a um longo trabalho documental que se propõe a apresentar um caminho para a necessária transição do actual paradigma socioeconómico monetário que rege a sociedade no mundo inteiro. Este tema transcenderá questões de relativismo cultural e ideologias tradicionais e passará a estabelecer, como objectivo central, o redesenho de uma empírica vida na Terra em nome da sobrevivência humana e social. Ao invés de continuar desafiando as imutáveis leis naturais, o objectivo é criar um novo paradigma de sustentabilidade social denominado “economia baseada em recursos”.

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